Premium translation provider
for the dental industry

English <> German
Scandinavian, Western and Southern European languages

For dental manufacturers, publishers, resellers, universities, hospitals, scientific and professional associations, researchers, teachers, dentists, and dental laboratories

Bullet 1 Dental manufacturers ensure that their products are used correctly and efficiently, both domestically and internationally, with accu­rate techni­cal termino­logy and user-friendly instruc­tions. This improves product safety and helps prevent mis­under­standings, giving dental tech­ni­cians, dentists, and patients a better under­stan­ding of what a product does and what makes it stand apart.

Bullet 2 We know the publishing industry and its processes – and the need to work to tight and often shifting deadlines. We have trans­lated more than 1,900 articles in over 50 profes­sional jour­nals and more than 100 book-length publica­tions. Our trans­lations are techni­cally accurate, stylistically ap­peal­ing, and easily under­stood, keeping readers curi­ous and coming back for more.

Bullet 3 In order for dental research and scien­tific find­ings to be per­ceived, dis­cussed, and recog­nized inter­nation­ally, we not only pro­vide trans­lations but also help break down less obvious language barriers. We help authors pre­pare their work for peer review and guide them through the formal and lin­guistic stages of pub­li­cation – as our con­tri­bu­tion to dental re­search and practice.

Bullet 4 Continuing edu­cation and training in dentistry and dental tech­nology re­quire accurate and lucid translations to ensure that all par­tici­pants, re­gard­less of their native lan­guage or loca­tion, bene­fit equally from con­gress re­ports, pre­sen­ta­tions, video scripts, work­shop materials, and digital learn­ing and knowl­edge por­tals that contri­bute to users’ pro­fes­sional growth.

Bullet 5 Dental professional associations now have an inter­national focus, dis­semi­nating in­for­ma­tion on national and EU legis­lation and cross-border regu­la­tions, as well as develop­ing pro­fes­sional guide­lines. Our trans­lations con­vey health and pro­fes­sional policy issues and dis­cus­sions to an inter­national audi­ence and make impor­tant in­for­mation accessi­ble in a timely manner.

Prüfzeichen Our ISO 17100 certification ensures consistent quality, trans­pa­rent and reli­able proces­ses, and in­creased prod­uct and pa­tient safe­ty. For highly regul­ated medi­cal device manu­fac­turers, our MDR-comp­liant trans­lations are key to in­ter­national success.

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